
Diagonal Textured Face Scrubby

By: Amanda Saladin from Love Life Yarn
Diagonal Textured Face Scrubby

"Looking for an easy pattern for a spa gift basket? Check out this easy scrubby using only knits and purls for a diagonal textured effect! You can feel free to use any Dk weight yarn you like! Cotton is preferred, of course, but the choice is up to you!If you would like to make it smaller or larger it's easy to do. Just follow the instructions on the pattern. Yarn: DK Weight Cotton. Yarn used here is Yarn Bee Sugarwheel Cotton, category #3 Needles: US Size 6 (4.00mm) Notions: Yarn needle, scissors Gauge: 21 sts and 24 rows = 4″ in diagonal pattern Finished Size: Approximately 5″ x 5.5″"

Knitting Needle Size6 or 4 mm

Yarn Weight(3) Light/DK (21-24 stitches to 4 inches)


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