Denise Interchangeable Knitting & Crochet
Denise Interchangeable Knitting & Crochet
My grandmother taught me to knit when I was a girl. In the early 1980s, I picked up some raw fleece and couldn’t let it go. Spinning became a passion. The “uniqueness” of my early handspun yarn required a wide range of needle sizes. When I discovered Denise, I was thrilled to find all the needle sizes I needed in one compact and affordable kit.
In early 2002, after over 20 years of happily using the Denise set, I went in search of some extra accessories and a new set for my daughter and instead found out that the company was for sale. The husband and wife team that created Denise were in their mid-80s, and we were thrilled to take up where they had left off.
Denise is still a family business. My daughter, her husband and I have been working together since 2003, and now their daughter comes along (if you call us and hear a small voice in the background, that will be her!). We still manufacture all our products in the USA. We feel deeply that supporting local communities is not just good for our economy, it’s also an easier way to get our products how we and you want them to be.
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Denise Interchangeable on Ravelry
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