Pendleton Shrug


Pendleton Shrug


This knit shrug pattern is perfect for all occasions, whether they're dressy or casual. Made with delicate lacework and a picot edging, the Pendleton Shrug also features ribbed sleeves for added comfort and shaping. Throw this little number over your favorite black dress or wear it with a tank top and jeans; either way you'll be ready to hit the town in style.


Knitting Needle Size7 or 4.5 mm, Circular Knitting Needles

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

Approximate Finished Size: One Size Fits All, 17" x 25" not including picot edging


Gauge: 20 sts and 21 rows over 4" in lace pattern



  • 1 Hank Tilli Tomas Pure & Simple (3.5 oz/100g ea approx. 260yds/238m, 100% spun silk) in gloxinia (A)
  • 1 Hank Tilli Tomas Disco Lights (3.5 oz/100g ea approx. 225yds/206m, 100% spun silk with sequins) in dusty purple (B)
  • Size US7 24" Circular Knitting Needle
  • Tapestry Needle


Lace Pattern:

Row 1 (RS): k1, *k1, yo, skp, k5, k2tog, yo* repeat from * until 1 st remains, k1

Row 2 and all WS Rows: k1, p80, k1

Row 3: k1, *k2, yo, skp, k3, k2tog, yo, k1* repeat from * until 1 st remains, k1

Row 5: k1, *k3, yo, skp, k1, k2tog, yo, k2*, repeat between * until 1 stitch remains, k1.

Row 7: k1, *k4, yo, s2kp, yo, k3*, repeat between * until 1 stitch remains, k1.

Row 9: k1, *k1, skp, k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, k2tog* repeat from * until 1 st remains, k1

Row 11: k1, *k1, skp, k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, k2tog* repeat from * until 1 st remains, k1

Row 13: k1, *k1, skp, k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, k2tog* repeat from * until 1 st remains, k1

Row 15: k1, *k1, skp, k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, k2tog* repeat from * until 1 st remains, k1 Row 17: k1, *k1, skp, k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, k2tog* repeat from * until 1 st remains, k1

Row 18: as row 2



NOTE:  If shawl needs to be sized down, seam longer armhole seams. If shawl needs to be sized up, seam shorter armhole seams. Alternatively, work can be made longer or shorter than 25" in length to fit wearer and an additional hank of Disco Lights will be needed. If work is made longer, the picot edge must also be made longer.


Body of Shawl

With A, CO 80 sts

Work *k2, p2* rib for 2"

Next Row (RS): With B, inc 1 st at beginning of row, work lace chart to end (8 reps across), inc 1 st at end of row - 82 sts

Work in lace chart for 6 reps or until work measures 23" from CO edge Next Row (RS): P2tog at beginning of row, purl across to last 2 sts, p2tog at end of row - 80 sts

With A, work *k2, p2* rib for 2" BO loosely in rib



Fold work in half lengthwise and with mattress stitch, seam together 3" from CO edge, then again on opposite side (creating armholes).

With A, beginning at middle bottom, pick up and knit 200 edge sts with RS facing, join into round.

Knit 3 rows.

Next Row: *yo, k2tog* to end of row

Knit 4 rows.

BO loosely knitwise

Fold picot hem in half and secure on WS of work with loose whip st.

Weave in all loose ends with tapestry needle.

Block very lightly.


A special thanks to Judith Kamykowski for providing us with the pattern corrections on this Pendleton Shrug!

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What happened to row 17? And is row 15 really supposed to be the same as row 13? Thanks for any help you can give me.

What does the front of this shrug look like?

As happened before, the asterisks I typed in showed up during typing but did not show up in the subsequent comments. If you remember that only the first stitch and last stitch are outside the asterisks (eg the only ones not to be repeated in the sequence) you should be fine. I have also sent the corrections in AGAIN to customer service staff.

And again I see that the asterisks did not print--staffers were going to look into that also. Just remember that as printed above, the first and last stitches are the only ones not listed between the asterisks for repeat and you should be fine.

Hi Wendy, I feel badly about this because I sent the corrections to allfreeknitting staffers so they could edit the pattern and they have not done so. First off, the yarn is Aran/Worsted weight, NOT superfine. Rows 1 and 3 are correct as are Row 2 and all even rows. R5 k1, k3, yo, skp, k1, k2tog, yo, k2 repeat between until 1 st remains, k1. Row 7 k1, k4, yo, s2kp, yo, k3 repeat between until 1 st remains, k1. Rows 9, 11, 13, 15, and 17 are all correct and are, actually, all the exact same stitch pattern.

Hi there, Judith! I sent you an e-mail some time back asking for your pattern corrections and you never got back to me, or the e-mail never went through. Regardless, I just sent a follow-up e-mail, so hopefully we can get this corrected soon! Thanks in advance!

Hi Judith, I managed to figure the pattern out going by the sequence in the stitches. I left row 7 as is in the pattern and in row 5 did k1, k3, yo, sk2p, k2tog, yo, k2. It does reduce row 6 to K1, P72, k1 though, but still looks the same as image.

I contacted the designer and have the corrections for this pattern if anyone is interested, please let me know.

Hi Judith, I would like to corrections thanks.

Sorry i meant i would like to know the corrections please. Would you like my email address?

This pattern has multiple errors so beware if you try to knit it. The yarn is not superfine 1 weight, it is aran/worsted weight according to the designer page on Ravelry. There is an error in Row 5 which results in wrong of stitches for that row. The Finishing area has an incomplete sentence, thus incomplete pattern info. Anyone have the answers to these issues? I'd love to hear back. The pattern is no longer available on Ravelry or any other website that I can find. The links above are not operational.

how come I can download some patterns as a pdf file and others go to my knit file online? I am only allowed so much data usage and have to download from 12 midnite to 5 am. and I found a few I really wanted to work on later. Fay this is is really pretty

Sorry, the web address should read == ug.html

This is really beautiful. Thank you for sharing. The FRONT is shown if you go to the website mentioned above, ( == s-et-gilets/tillitomas-pendletonshrug.html) and click on download pattern. Unfortunately the pattern is in French but the photographs show both the front and back of the shrug.

bunnyknits : The front is very cute and delicate, you can see it on this website : and write "pendleton" in the search box. :)

The website you mentioned ( shows only the back, not the front. Maybe I have the wrong URL?

would love to see what the front looks like

Sue, have you tried to knit yet?


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