Granny's Favorite Dishcloth


Granny's Favorite Dishcloth

Grannys Favorite Dishcloth

Dishcloths are great quick knitting projects because they require little yard and you can never have to many. So add to your stash with Granny's Favorite Dishcloth. Learn to knit a simple and classic pattern that you'll soon be able to whip out for your friends as well as yourself. This is the perfect project for those just learning how to knit because it teaches you the basic stitches you will use in most patterns. You will love this simple and easy knitting project.


Knitting Needle Size6 or 4 mm

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

Gauge1 stitches, 2 rows, 3 inches. stockinette stitch

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