Preschooler Rugby Hat


Preschooler Rugby Hat

Keep an eye on your little one during recess while she wears the Preschooler Rugby Hat. This pretty pink and purple knit hat pattern is the perfect mix of warmth and playfulness. Two thick stripes and a giant fluffy pom pom adorn this simple child size hat. Experiment with different colors for a little boys hat, or knit one in a solid color or patterned colorway for an equally cute result.


Knitting Needle Size15 or 10 mm, Circular Knitting Needles, Double-Pointed Knitting Needles (DPNs)

Yarn Weight(5) Bulky/Chunky (12-15 stitches for 4 inches)


How to Knit a Hat Volume 2: Free Knit Hat Patterns for the Whole Family

Find the Preschooler Rugby Hat and more than 10 other great hat patterns in our newest free eBook, How to Knit a Hat Volume 2: Free Knit Hat Patterns for the Whole Family!

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