Oh So Soft Baby Blanket


Oh So Soft Baby Blanket

Oh So Soft Baby Blanket

The Oh So Soft Baby Blanket is made while knitting two strands of yarn at the same time, making this a slightly more advanced pattern than a beginner knit baby blanket, but it's certainly worth the effort. The main part of the project is knit with the garter stitch with 4 strips of eyelets mixed throughout the blanket. A decorative seed stitch border has also been added to create more texture and visual intrigue.


Knitting Needle Size15 or 10 mm, Circular Knitting Needles

Yarn Weight(2) Fine (23-26 stitches to 4 inches)

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Something is wrong with this pattern, it states to use Red Heart soft baby yarn, but Red Heart never made a yarn by that name, their yarn was called Soft Baby Steps and was aran weight, Lion Brand yarn makes a yarn called Baby Soft which is a dk weight yarn and the yardage matches what the designer published with the pattern, so I think the yarn notation in the pattern is incorrect.


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