Hip Knitting
Hip Knitting
Gifted by Design Originals
Reviewed by Robin E. Agar-Celli for AllFreeKnitting.com
This is a great book for someone who is just starting out knitting, but wants to make more than the usual dishcloths as early projects. Hip Knitting includes projects that are fun and stylish, yet simple enough for a beginner. This book packs a lot of information in its pages along with several fashionable patterns, covering knitting basics, yarn selection and finishing techniques.
The chapter on Getting Started covers how best to choose yarn. It explains how best to read yarn labels, to be sure you are getting the same dye lot, how to make yarn substitutions and even how to wind a ball from a skein.
How-to-knit basics are covered; including diagrams and detailed written instructions for casting on, knit and purl stitches and casting off. Explanations regarding tension, turning your work and reading your work round out this chapter nicely.
Finishing your work is even covered in this book, explaining blocking, sewing and weaving in ends, giving the knitter confidence that a finished project will look complete and polished.
Another chapter takes things beyond the basics, explaining how to read a pattern, knit on gauge, transfer stitches, increase and decrease and other necessary skills. Basic stitch patterns are covered as well as techniques such as making a button hole and joining new yarn.
The project patterns include a scarf, unisex hat, ribbed tube top and a top down shrug that is adorable. There are even directions to attach the shrug to the tube top to make a full sweater. For those who don't want to make a garment, there is an adorable monster pillow that would make a great gift for children or adults. Clear and concise instructions, photos and diagrams make these patterns easy to follow and fun to knit. These patterns are cute and stylish enough that no one will believe they are for beginners.