Vogue Knitting Stitchionary 5
Vogue Knitting Stitchionary 5
By the Editors of Vogue Knitting magazine
Publisher: sixth&spring books
ISBN: 1-933027-93-2
Reviewed by Caitlin Kavanaugh, Editor for AllFreeKnitting.com
If you’ve ever popped open an issue of Vogue Knitting, you’ll understand the true value of this book. As they do with their magazines, Vogue Knitting has delivered a book packed full of beautiful patterns and images. This particular volume in the Stitchionary series hones in on lace knitting, a gorgeous knitting method.
What's great about this book in particular is that it's designed with every knitter in mind. You'll find a chart with definitions of knitting abbreviations and a knitting glossary for the beginners, and more advanced patterns in the back for the more experienced. For anyone that's either new to lace knitting, or who is looking for innovative patterns, this is a great addition for your knitting library. My favorite motif is the Overlapping Leaves pattern on p. 108.