Knit Hair Tie


Knit Hair Tie

Knit Hair Tie
Knit Hair Tie

"Sometimes you just want to add a special touch to your hairstyle. Why not cover up a boring ponytail holder with a handmade small knit hair tie? I have a quick and easy hair tie knitting pattern for you! The soft flow and lacy detail of this hair tie will fit right in with a classic style, or the Cottage Core or Ballet Core styles trending now. The free hair tie knitting pattern is easy to work once you understand where to increase and decrease stitches. The hair tie is worked in two pieces, then each piece is joined in a center band. The center band is used to tie onto your hair, and you can make it as long as you’d like. The knit hair tie pattern is worked from the bottom up, increasing stitches to form a ‘petal’, then decreasing stitches for the center band. The increases are formed with ‘yo’ (yarn over) sts, and the decreases are worked with k2tog and skp stitches. These help form a lacy pattern on the petal."


Knitting Needle Size5 or 3.75 mm

Yarn Weight(3) Light/DK (21-24 stitches to 4 inches)

Materials List

  • 20 yds of cotton yarn

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