5 Ways to Celebrate I Love Yarn Day with AllFreeKnitting
A Day to Share Your Love of Yarn
October 10th is I Love Yarn Day, and we couldn't be more excited to share our love of yarn with you! Whether you're a knitter, a crocheter, a macrame-er, or an all-around yarn enthusiast, we crafty people all have one thing in common—an intense love of yarn.
You don't even have to be a traditional knitter or crocheter to enjoy yarn either. Yarnists have a wide range of interests. Our friends at FaveCrafts have gathered some ideas for fun yarn crafts that don't use knitting or crochet! It's easy to love yarn when there are so many accessible projects for crafters of every skill level to tackle.
If you already share our passion for fiber arts, here are five great ways you can celebrate I Love Yarn Day!
1. Teach Someone to Knit
2. Treat Yourself to a Yarn Shopping Trip
All yarnists know the feeling of walking past the yarn aisle and resisting the urge to add even more yarn to your yarn stash. Personally, I always feel a little guilty buying more yarn for something new when I know I have a bunch of unfinished projects at home. BUT if you're going to indulge and buy some new yarn, I Love Yarn Day is the time to do it.

3. Learn to Crochet, Too!
Most knitters say crochet is harder, and most crocheters say knitting is harder. While they've both got their pros and cons, if you know how to do one, you're already halfway to knowing the other. And just think of the world of crochet patterns that would open up to you! Check out our sister site, AllFreeCrochet, for countless free crochet patterns.

4. Share What You're Making on Social Media
Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest. Whatever your social media platform of choice is, show off your work this I Love Yarn Day with the hashtag #ILoveYarnDay.
This time of year, most of the things we are knitting and crocheting are gifts for people. I don't know about you, but I want to keep it a surprise, so we like to share our projects in the AllFreeKnitting and AllFreeCrochet Facebook groups! That way we can get feedback and show off our work without spoiling the surprise.

5. Start Fresh With a New Project
There's truly nothing better than that spark of creativity and excitement you get when you cast on a new project. Try one of these patterns that the Craft Yarn Council has curated especially for I Love Yarn Day.
Check out these free patterns here!

How will YOU celebrate I Love Yarn Day?
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