Knitting Stitch #25


Knitting Stitch #25

Knitting Stitch #25
Knitting Stitch 25

"Let’s learn Knitting Stitch #25, beautiful textured stitch, simple and clean, you can used for scarves, sweaters, hats and more! Categorie: Texture Knitting Stitches Yarn used to make this swatch (you can use your favorite yarn too) Liliacraftparty Hand Dyed Merino Sock weight yarn Yarn available at liliacraftparty website Needles Size 3.5mm Number of stitches: To make this knitting stitch you need multiple of 12 Swatch To make this swatch, CO 40 sts. (36sts plus 2sts border each side) For questions or pattern support do not hesitate to contact me Happy Knitting! Lilia"


Knitting Needle Size4 or 3.5 mm

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

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