Ella En
I’m Ella and I’ve learned how to knit and crochet when I was a child. It became my passion much later, when I moved to Innsbruck, Austria, right into the hearth of the Alps. It helped express my creative side during my PhD studies in a rigorous scientific environment, far away from home.
My life’s journey has made me a mathematician, amateur ballroom dancer, a wife and, since 2015, a mother. My knitting journey is also far from over. I enjoy the repetitive nature of knitting that hides so much diversity. I’m not sure if there is a form of knitting that I wouldn’t like to try or haven’t tried already. And I love it all!
Patterns on AllFreeKnitting:
No Trouble Mesh Set
Bobble Felted Knitted Purse
That Special Toddler Hat
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