Lavender Lace Scarf


Lavender Lace Scarf

Lavender Lace Scarf
Lavender Lace Scarf

"I love the look of lace scarves, don’t you? Something about the texture of the lace patterns is just striking. Would you love to learn how to make a bulky lace scarf using just 4 repetitive rows? I have a lovely lace pattern for you today that uses bulky yarn, so it works up more quickly than thinner yarns. You can expect to take about 5.5 hours knitting this scarf – not bad! If you love Hue and Me bulky yarn patterns, you will really enjoy the color and texture of this one. The color is called ‘Haze’, and it is quite a pretty lavender. I know I plan to grab it for my spring attire, but it would also be lovely in the fall or winter."


Knitting Needle Size13 or 9 mm

Yarn Weight(5) Bulky/Chunky (12-15 stitches for 4 inches)

Materials List

  • Hue + Me yarn

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