How to Make 1 Right (M1R)
Sometimes called the M1B or make 1 below, the M1R stitch is one of the most common increases in knitting.

The make 1 right increase (abbreviated M1R) is one of the first increases you will learn when you begin knitting things like sweaters and shawls. Because this increase uses an existing piece of yarn to create the increased stitch, it's an almost invisible increase that will lie flatter than most other increases.
Because the M1R increase is made between two stitches, this increase cannot be done at the first or last stitch of your row; the same is true for the M1L increase. While there are many increases out there that are used for creating texture and design elements for things like lace knitting and in shawls, the make 1 increases are better for instances where you want a more discrete increase.
Materials List
- Yarn
- Knitting needles
Work your row until the point where your pattern calls for the M1R.
Open your work slightly so you can see the piece of yarn that connects the two stitches.
Using your non-dominant needle, pick up this piece of yarn from back to front
Insert your working needle into the stitch knitwise and knit this stitch normally. This will create your increased stitch.
Finish your row in pattern.