66+ Knit Hat Patterns for Winter


    66+ Knit Hat Patterns for Winter

    These knitted hats are the perfect way to keep your head warm while still looking stylish. Find your favorite knit beanie or cap below!


    66 Knit Hat Patterns for Winter

    Prepare to fight off the harshness of chilly weather and knit yourself one of these incredible hats. I know during winter and other colder months of the year when I walk outside, the first part of my body to catch a chill is my head. Why? Most of your body heat gets lost through your head first, leaving your entire body chilled.

    So knit yourself one of these cozy hat patterns and fight off the cold. Here you'll find a free knitting pattern to match every type of person's style.

    Sign up for our free email newsletter for more amazing patterns!

    Our hat patterns range in both style and weight, so you can pick exactly the kind of stitch you need to keep your head and ears cozy while still looking cute as heck out in the blizzards. Most of our knitted hat patterns are easy enough for beginners to manage, but exciting and intricate enough for more advanced knitters to enjoy working with.

    Free hat patterns can be hard to find, but we have done the legwork on your behalf and present to you the best of the best when it comes to keeping your noggin' nice and cozy during the cold weather months. It doesn't mattter what type of hat you're looking for or what skill level you consider yourself, because we have a special something for everyone. Don't forget: knitted hats make excellent gifts for loved ones during the holiday season.

    But first! Learn how to knit with circular knitting needles, the most common method of knitting hats, with the video below!

    Trendy Free Knit Hat Patterns

    Who says knitted hat patterns have to be dull? You can stay warm and also look good while doing it! Our other stylish knit hats will keep you looking fierce and adorable without any of the pain that comes from chilly ears. Try pairing these knit hats with some of our free knitting patterns for loose-knit sweaters or an adorable knit tote bag for a chic-yet-homey look.

    Warm Knitted Hat Patterns

    If you're extremely sensitive to the cold (same!), you're probably concerned first and foremost that any knit hat pattern you make is as warm as it can possibly be. Sometimes you see a knit hat pattern and you can already feel how warm and cozy it will be. If that's the type of hat you're searching for, this is the list for you. Any of these free knitting patterns will keep you comfy, sleet or snow.

    Knit Beret Patterns

    All you artsy ladies out there know how valuable hat patterns for berets can be. Berets are a great way to stay warm during the winter while mixing up your day-to-day style. The best part about these beret knitted hat patterns is berets don't go out of fashion when the snow melts and the sun comes out; pair them with a matching t-shirt or combat boots for a stylish winter-in-spring ensemble.

    Free Knit Hat Patterns with Brims

    Admit it; the sun gets in your eyes, and that's the one downfall to hat patterns for the winter. Who doesn't love to wear brimmed hats? Not only will they keep you from squinting your way through life, these hats add an air of mystery to the wearer.

    Even More Knit Hats

    Once you start knitting hats, it can be difficult to stop. If you're addicted to hat patterns, there are all kinds of free knitting patterns for hats in this collection that are perfect for any season. Not too light, not too heavy; just right for chilly autumn or spring temperatures. You name it, it’s here, ready for you to enjoy. So just choose your favorite, break out your knitting needles, and cast on for your new favorite knit hat pattern.

    We're always updating with more knitted hat patterns for the winter, so check back whenever you're looking for more fashionable knit hats or chunky and warm knits. Keeping your ears and head warm and cute is our number one priority.

    About the Author

    About the Author: Caitlin Eaton

    Caitlin Eaton is the managing editor of I Like Knitting, I Like Crochet, We Like Sewing magazines, and so much more.

    When she's not frequenting record stores in Chicago, she loves to absorb the culture in coffee shops while her veins absorb some caffeine. She graduated from Marquette University with a degree in journalism and is grateful for the wonderful professors that helped her hone her writing skills.

    Narrowing down her interests is nearly impossible, but she does have a soft spot for any craft projects or clothing that are vintage or vintage inspired. To her, nothing is more beautiful than an object that was able to stand the test of time, like her grandmother’s pearl brooch, a black-and-white photograph, a Twinkie—well, perhaps not the latter, but you get the idea.

    Up Next:

    The Best Yarn for Hats

    What kind of winter hats do you like to knit? Leave a comment below!

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    Is there a matching scarf pattern for the Vintage hat?

    waiting just for this pattern. , plus all the others. Thank you. Do you have preemie patterns, I lost mine. Mom and I did this all the time. crazy cat lady. Thanks

    I'm looking for a hat knitted with a lighter yarn and not too low on the head. Help!

    Hi horseyfolks, we recommend using our advanced pattern search in the upper lefthand corner of this site to select the yarn weight you wish to use as well as the "Knit Hats" category. From there, you can peruse our entire collection of hats for a certain yarn weight and pick your favorite. We hope this helps! Happy knitting! -Editors of AllFreeKnitting

    I love to knit berets and wide brim hats - I just like to knit hats because I love hats (apparently so much that my H on my keyboard is about to leave me!)...I love boots too, and if I could knit those... lol

    I'm looking for a knitted ponytail hat pattern......not too complicated a pattern.

    Hi verleybridges, here are some links for ponytail hat patterns: https://www.allfreeknitting.com/Knit-Hats/Trendy-Knit-Bun-Hat-from-Red-Heart, https://www.allfreeknitting.com/Knit-Hats/Messy-Bun-Hat-Knitting-Pattern, https://www.allfreeknitting.com/Knit-Hats/How-to-Knit-a-Messy-Bun-Hat. Hope this helps! -Editors of AllFreeKnitting

    I just want to say - you guys are right on it - you're great!

    I am looking for a Santa Hat pattern done with 2 needles not circular needles using knitting worsted weight yarn .

    Hi sam55bystitch, you can find our full collection of Christmas knitting patterns by following this link: https://www.allfreeknitting.com/tag/Free-Christmas-Knitting-Pattern. Hope this helps! -Editors of AllFreeKnitting

    I am looking for a pattern for a knitted hat with #5 yarn. I want to keep it simple and knit it in the round. Any suggestions?

    Hello Susan Ferry, you can find our full collection of bulky weight knitting patterns by following this link: https://www.allfreeknitting.com/tag/Bulky-Weight-Yarn. Hope this helps! -Kathryn, Editor of AllFreeKnitting

    snug and easy hat patterns

    I would like a girls ponytail hat pattern please

    Hello dawn 4272841, you can find a collection of ponytail hats on our blog, Stitch & Unwind. Here's the link: http://www.stitchandunwind.com/ponytail-free-knit-hat-patterns/. Hope this helps! -Editors of AllFreeKnitting

    Looking for a pattern for the angora hats with ties from the late 50s, early 60s

    looking for the pattern that has an opening for a pony tail.

    Hello jfbanes 7473930, you can find a collection of ponytail hats on our blog, Stitch & Unwind. Here's the link: http://www.stitchandunwind.com/ponytail-free-knit-hat-patterns/. Hope this helps! -Editors of AllFreeKnitting

    Looking for a knit pattern for a "bun hat," on that has an opening at the top for a pony tail. Suggestions?

    Hello kathystofer 314387 3, you can find a collection of ponytail hats on our blog, Stitch & Unwind. Here's the link: http://www.stitchandunwind.com/ponytail-free-knit-hat-patterns/. Hope this helps! -Editors of AllFreeKnitting

    and now a collection of hats, and what a collection! 66 patterns of hats - can't decide if it is an abundance of wonders or a conspiracy to keep me knitting until the next millenium

    mens visor/bill hats knitted

    Wonderful hats but how to download the 61 patterns please? Keeps sending me round in circles but no download button

    Hello joanannmortimer 97 87738! You will have to click on the individual pattern you want to download. Unfortunately, there isn't a way to download all 61 patterns at once. Hope this helps! -Editors of AllFreeKnitting

    Is it possible to download these patterns as a complete eBook? (and how) - as opposed to looking at each pattern separately?

    Hello Av8nlady! You will have to click on the individual pattern you want to download. Unfortunately, there isn't a way to download all 61 patterns at once. Hope this helps! -Editors of AllFreeKnitting

    looking for this pattern Lacy Downtown Abbey Wrist Warmer

    Hello! If you type in "Lacy Downton Abbey Wrist Warmers" in the search bar in the top left of the page, you will be able to find that pattern. Hope this helps! -Kathryn, Editor of AllFreeKnitting.com



    Hi, Please guide me for all hem hat knitting with photo.

    lookinf for the pattern of the little boy with the ear flap and can be for the whole family reminds me of the old days it is in the 48 hats section but I can't find it again thanks love the patterns for us shutin.

    Hi marslaska 5202808! Can you describe the hat a bit more? As you probably already know, we have many hat patterns on the site, so if you remember the color/style of the hat you are looking for, it may be easier to locate. Thanks! -Kathryn, AllFreeKnitting.com

    I would like the knit cap with the ear flaps for the family it is so cute

    I loved these hats so many, I can't wait to get started. I wanted to let you know I shared your site and article on my blog post at http//www.snugglebuggknits.com/knitting/surviving- == seasonal-depression-through-knitting/ I hope you will check it out. But thank you so much for the hats.

    Hi careydavis67 40066 26! Thank you so much for the kind words and support! We're so happy you enjoy these patterns and thank you for sharing our site with others. -Kathryn, AllFreeKnititng.com

    looking for the green hat pattern under 48 hat patterns for winter. the one with the blonde girl. not the Butterfly Beret hat.

    Hi mejalford 6875854, Unfortunately that pattern is no longer available on our site. We're sorry for the inconvenience. You may find it on the designer's website (www.shemakeshats.com) under "L.A. Winters Hat." Hope this helps! -Editors of AllFreeKnitting

    does anyone have the pattern for the green ribbed hat under 48 hats for winter. the one that has the blonde in it. not the Butterfly Beret

    Looking for a knitted hat/cowl combination pattern preferably for kids

    Hi glhjdh81 3978492, You may be interested in this children's hood: www.allfreeknitting.com/knit-childrens-hats/dice-check-balaclava Happy knitting! -Editors of AllFreeKnitting

    does anyone have the pattern for the green ribbed hat under 48 hats for winter. pls

    Hi mejalford 6875854, That pattern is called the Butterfly Beret. Please find it here: allfreeknitting.com/knit-berets/butterfly-beret

    was trying to dl the rolled brim hat pattens, but was taken to a different page. Are any of them available anywhere else?

    Hi sandeleh, Thanks for notifying us! We have updated the pattern links. Please find them above. -Editors of AllFreeKnitting

    Hi sandeleh, Thank you for notifying us! Please find the updated pattern links above. -Editors of AllFreeKnitting

    I love the Waffle Hat! The design is just so gorgeous.

    I would like to see a double knit mittens. It resembles a "Brioche" stitch. They are fast and easy to make. Please try to get one & post it.

    When you says my answer will be posted, where am I to find where it will be posted?

    Why am I not able to print the patterns for the above hats or one in particular?

    I am looking for a free pattern for twisted knit headband. Do you have one?

    My Mom is the knitter in the family, but she has no computer. I signed up to be able to give her the description and patterns for the hats. Who cares if you have pop ups on your site? I just ignore them if I am not interested. There are plenty of sites that are advertisement supported to keep them free. So thank you "allfreeknitting.com" this is a great site :-)

    I agree with you.... love this site....

    I thought I had seen a hat that looked like a lace swirl hat but was made with a knitting loom?.. Is there such a hat??..

    I guess I just have a good pop-up blocker, because I don't have that problem on this site. Also, if you want something for free, you have to expect to 'pay' for it somehow. I have found countless wonderful patterns here, and will stay subscribed forever!

    This site is far too commercial with all the pop up ads and the like. Free patterns doesn't mean free patterns with advertizing attached. I will unsubscribe ASAP

    Hi marilynlennis, Like most web sites, we are advertising supported just like radio and TV. We do not charge to subscribe to our newsletters or create accounts for the web site. Ads on our site are typically sold using contextual technology by large firms such as Google, Vibrant and RGM/Meredith (publisher of Better Homes & Gardens).Thanks!

    Sorry marilynlennis but I find your comment a bit too self-serving and lacking knowledge What part of 'free patterns' aren't you understanding Do you simply not comprehend just what is involved to bring you and the rest of us those free patterns Do you seriously think it costs the site owners nothing at all to provide them I can't imagine that you're an adult with such abject lack of knowledge about how the world works so can only think you're both young and a new knitter That's a good thing--welcome to the knitting world since we love knowing more people are taking up our beloved pursuit but please take a look around and learn to APPRECIATE those who provide you with these wonderful patterns In order to do so they must have 'some' sources of funding i e advertising Otherwise there is one alternate solution I can think of frequent yourRead More local library where you might find some books with patterns as I once did or spend money and BUY patterns or knitting books

    goodness me woman,whats a few adds,your getting free lovely patterns.well all i can say is im very happy with this site.

    For a beginner who doesn't know what is what it's difficult to find a pattern that's easy to start out with. Especially since you can't see them

    Great, but I need a pattern for a tubon style wrap around knitted/crocheted hat. Please!!

    I need the patterns on my computer

    Granddaughter (16) had serious head injuries in accident - need to knit headbands for her. Any free patterns? Thanks

    I'm looking for hats for softee chunky yarn

    Can not get any!!!!!

    It would really be helpful if the pictures were shown of the hats. A lot of time is wasted opening each link, then finding that that isn't the kind of hat, then opening another...etc. etc. etc.

    I completely agree - to be able to see the designs would save so much time. I find it very frustrating to have to open each link.

    Looking for knitted animal (head) caps like monkey, bear, etc.

    can i knit a hat on 2 needles

    looking for red heart curly q stretch hat pattern wr2182

    marion - go to redheart.com - enter curly Q stretch hat in search box. The Free pattern will come up for WR2182

    Time for another rant about this site - sorry Your list of patterns says Hat Patterns for the Winter Okay so where are they Why can't you just show the pictures of the hats all in one place instead of following one link after another and ending up wanting to pull your hair out I wanted to check out the Waffel Hat pattern but can't find it there doesn't seem to be any click here for pattern button I decided to try Save Pattern thinking it would show up but NO that didn't work either Honestly if it wasn't that you do have some nice patterns that you can actually FIND I wouldn't waste my time and my hair coming here This is one of the if not THE hardest craft sites to navigate It has to be easier than this I'd love to have the pattern for the Waffel hatRead More but I've pulled out enough hair for one day

    Hi barbra1531 Somebody must have fixed the link to the waffel hat pattern. I followed it and landed here http://www.pickles.no/waffel-hat where the pattern is shown. Good luck and happy knitting :-)

    Hi, barbra1531 5940086. I'm sorry to hear you are having trouble accessing the pattern you desire. I was just able to access the pattern for the Waffel Hat without trouble. If you click the link above that says "Waffel Hat," you should be directed to the Waffel Hat pattern page on AllFreeKnitting. Then, once you're there, there should be a "Click here for the knitting pattern" link just like on any of our pages. If you click that link, a new window should open with the pattern in full on the designer's website. Please let us know if you continue to experience difficulty. Thanks! --Editors of AllFreeKnitting

    Hi rae673 5056355, We do not have any men's ski hat pattern. I apologize for the inconvenience. Byrdhaus 6621915, Here are all of our cowl patterns: http://www.allfreeknitting.com/?task=search&search_term=cowl

    I am looking for a pattern for a mens ski hat. one that covers the head and neck with just the face exposed.

    There is a pattern that may be what you want at "Warmth for Warriors". It is also known as a helmet liner. I've made several for them. They are a volunteer organization knitting and crocheting hats for soldiers serving overseas. Good luck.

    looking for a child's size hoodie/scarf or cowl--knitted thanks!!

    Hi, everyone. You can find more free hat patterns by clicking on the "Knit Hats" tab under "Categories" along the left-hand side. These tabs are there to help you navigate the site and find what you're looking for among all of our free knitting patterns. You can also try typing keywords into our "Search" box in the upper right side of the web page. Hope this helps! - Editors of AllFreeKnitting

    I am looking for a pattern for a ladies helmet had with ear flaps.

    hat of a 3 year child

    you offer free hats. Can't find a single one would appretiate an explanation

    I love the patterns Iam looking for a spider web pattern without the spider for a beanie.thanks.

    Thanks for the help returning to knitting after a few (24) years. Free patterns really help. Carol

    Just lovely hats

    Hi paknitter-- We just tested the links on our end and they all seem to be opening without a problem. Please check your internet settings and make sure there is nothing blocking the patterns, such as pop-ups. We apologize for the inconvenience, --Editor of AllFreeKnitting

    I can't get anything on this site to open for me so I can see the directions. Can anyone give a clue as to waht might be wrong.

    There are more pictures, just click on the pattern name for the pattern and a picture with the hat on a head

    Thank you so much for all the free patterns, really love them.

    I can not print off the free patterns --why--I am login in!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    needs to have more picures with the hat on

    Look beautiful I realy want to learn how to start thank you so much for show it to me

    Thank- you for all the free patterns ,they all so nice.


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